
Courses in the same slot are parallel, so you can only take one course of each slot.

This table gives you the meaning fo the colors associated to courses

Language and Logic F, LaLo I, LaLo A, LaLo WS, LaLo
Language and Computation F, LaCo I, LaCo A, LaCo WS, LaCo
Logic and Computation F, LoCo I, LoCo A, LoCo WS, LoCo

First Week: 20 - 24th of July, 2009

Language and Logic

Language and Computation

Logic and Computation

9:00 - 10:30 F: The Logic of Sense and Reference.
Room: Pitres
I: The mental lexicon, blueprint of the dictionaries of tomorrow: linguistic, computational and psychological aspects of a highly valuable resource
Room: Fabre
F: Ontology Modelling Languages.
Krötzsch, Rudolph
Room: Gintrac
I: Introduction to Abstract Categorial Grammars: Foundations and main properties.
de Groote, Salvati
Room: Salle 5
A: An introduction to minimalist grammars.
Kobele, Michaelis
Room: Arnozan
I: Non-deterministic Multi-valued Logics.
Avron, Konikowska
Room: Salle 6
10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30 I: Quotation and the semantics of speech reports.
Room: Fabre
F: The Foundations of Statistics: A Simulation-Based Approach.
Room: Gintrac
I: Temporal logics for specification and verification.
Room: Salle 6
A: How to do things with words: Speech Acts in Linguistics, Philosophy and Computation.
Eckardt, Schwager
Room: Pitres
I: Grammaticality Judgements as Linguistic Evidence.
Room: Arnozan
I: Logics of individual and collective intentionality.
Herzig, Lorini
Room: Salle 5
12:30 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:30 A: Plurality and distributivity across language(s) and logic(s).
Zweig, Tsoulas
Room: Arnozan
WS: Parsing with Categorial Grammars
Room: Salle 6
A: Game semantics and its applications.
Room: Pitres
I: Focus, Focus Interpretation, and Focus Sensitivity.
Zimmermann, Hole
Room: Gintrac
WS: Logical Methods for Social Concepts.
Herzig, Lorini
Room: Salle 5
A: Reasoning in complex theories and applications.
Room: Fabre
15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00

Student Session

17:00 - 18:30 A: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Discourse.
Room: Fabre
A: Computational Psycholinguistics.
Room: Pitres
WS: Structures and Deduction 2009.
Parigot, Strassburger
Room: Salle 6
I: Logicality and Invariance.
Room: Arnozan
I: Games, Action and Social Software.
van Eijck, Verbrugge
Room: Gintrac
WS: Vagueness in Communication.
Krifka, Schmitz
Room: Salle 5

Week-End: 25 - 26th of July, 2009

14th conference on Formal Grammar - FG 2009

Second Week: 27 - 31st of July, 2009

Language and Logic

Language and Computation

Logic and Computation

9:00 - 10:30 I: Topics in the Semantics of Interrogative Clauses.
Spector, Abrusán
Room: Salle 6
A: Psycho-computational issues in Morphology Learning and Processing.
Room: Arnozan
A: Ontologies: Structuring, Modularity, and Heterogeneity.
Borgo, Kutz
Room: Salle 5
F: Meaning Composition: Empricial Problems and Formal Solutions.
Room: Pitres
I: Standard XML query languages for natural language processing.
Room: Fabre
F: Logics of Rational Agency.
Room: Gintrac
10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30 I: Event Semantics and Adverbial Modification.
Gehrke, Arsenijevic
Room: Salle 6
F: Case, Scrambling and Default Word Order.
Butt, Zinsmeister
Room: Arnozan
A: Logics with Counting.
Room: Fabre
A: Proof-Theoretic Semantics.
Room: Pitres
I: Computational Lexical Semantics.
Boleda, Evert
Room: Salle 5
A: Reasoning with Probabilities.
Pacuit, Sack
Room: Gintrac
12:30 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:30 A: Advances in Abstract Categorial Grammars: Language theory and linguistic modeling.
Kanazawa, Pogodalla
Room: Arnozan
I: Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning: An introduction to an emerging interdisciplinary field.
Room: Fabre
A: Dynamic Logics for Interactive Belief Revision.
Baltag, Smets
Room: Gintrac
WS: New Directions in the Theory of Presupposition.
Rothschild, Klinedinst
Room: Salle 6
A: Linguistic Information Visualization.
Penn, Carpendale
Room: Salle 5
I: Syntax and Semantics from an Algebraic Perspective.
Stabler, Keenan
Room: Pitres
15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00

Student Session

17:00 - 18:30 A: Referent Systems.
Klein, Kracht
Room: Salle 6
I: Corpus-Based Argument Structure.
Room: Salle 5
I: Explanation in Ontology Languages.
Parsia, Schneider
Room: Gintrac
WS: Formal approaches to sign languages.
Cecchetto, Geraci
Room: Fabre
A: Distributional Semantic Models - Theory and Empirical Results.
Evert, Lenci
Room: Arnozan
I: Logics and Agent Programming Languages
Alechina, Logan
Room: Pitres